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Game Projects

A few examples of the game related projects I've worked on

Gold Rush Island

My first game I made in game production. Basically all you do is run around an island collecting gold coins. Its pretty bland, but the tutors told us before we started that our games would suck so I feel less bad about it.

(Requires WinRar or 7-Zip to unzip files)

Star Wars Dogfight

The second game I have produced. I decided to go with a Star Wars theme for this one, where you play as a rebel X-wing and battle imperial TIE fighters in space. Overall I consider this game to be a huge step up from the last one.

(Requires WinRar or 7-Zip to unzip files)

Demon Raider

The first game I created  using the Unreal engine. I just went crazy with all the new skills I learned and with the engines many capabilities, resulting in this awesome demo.

Mesozoic Test Reel

A visual concept of an idea I came up with in high school for a prehistoric documentary. Created almost entirely in Unreal 4. Hoping that one day this will become a real project. 


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